Let me start by wishing everyone a Happy Memorial Day. A day for all of us to thank and remember all those who courageously gave their lives, and those who bravely fight and protect us today!
It has been a busy spring here at Intrepid! Both Mike and Christian were up in the Great Lakes area showing one of our 475 Sport Yachts with quad 627 Seven Marine engines and before that, Christian and Alex were in California introducing everyone to our latest boat, the 407 Cuddy. It was amazing how many people out West did not know the brand that well. After seeing our 407 Cuddy they told us, “Where have you guys been! We love this boat!” So, we’re thinking there just might be a market for us out there!!
If you have not been to our website lately, we have launched the new site. Over the last couple of months, we have been tweaking the site and making refinements and we love how it is turning out. It has many features that the old site did not, including a personal page for each customer where we will be uploading pictures to their private page as the boat is being built – a kind of “baby book” of your boat that you will be able to keep forever on your page. We have some changes we are still working on and once we finish it completely, we will go through all that the new website has to offer so that everyone can take full advantage of it. So, if you have not had a chance to go to it, please check it out and feel free to critique it and send me your opinions because we are still fine tuning it. I’m driving the website people crazy the same way I drive my Tooling and Engineering departments crazy when prototyping a new boat.
And speaking of new boats…the 407 Panacea is coming along. Still not as quick as we all wanted, but once again I am my worst enemy. I have changed it 100 times, but we finally got to a point where we are finishing the tooling on the deck and the liner. This boat will have a new hatch system that I am really excited about. Here is a sneak peek of some of the tooling where you can clearly make out that the hatches and gutters have changed. I’ll explain how that all works once we start putting it all together. It was a design inspired by your feedback, and I think you’re going to love it!.
Have a safe and Happy Memorial Day!!
– Ken Clinton
For the full May 2017 newsletter, click here.