Please send the hull umber of your boat so I can access whatever information might be available as answers to your inquiry. The first thing that needs to be addressed is the minor fuel smell that you mention, we need to make sure that a potential hazard doesn’t exist. I should be able to identify the tank that was installed as original once I know which boat you have. It will be much easier for me to use my Intrepid Powerboats email address to answer you, so please contact me at jbrenna@intrepidpowerboats.com with your email address. I’ll be able to access information from our server using my IPB address.
I’ll look for a message with your hull number.
Joe Brenna
Vice President / Customer Service
Intrepid Powerboats
11700 Belcher Road South
Largo, Florida 33773
727-548-1260 ext. 229
727-544-1796 fax