
“Hey Skippy…..
I would change out the engine feed lines for sure by now and it is pretty easy to do from the tank to the fuel filetrs and a littler harder when you get to the engine rig tube, but still not that bad. You should have an access cover over the top of the fuel tank over the pick up tubes. There will be two hose clamps on each hose barb that you will have to remove and then you can pull the hoses off. The hoses should run throug a PVC chase down the center of the boat into the aft bilge where the fuel filters are and the bilge pumps. Before you pull the old hoses out, I would lnk the new hose to the old hoses and lube them up so while you are pulling out the old ones, you are pulling in the new ones.
If you have an aux fuel tank too it will be the same type of set up and they pull through the same chase tube so if you are doing all of them make sure that you also label them when you do this so that you do not get aux and main fuel tank lines crossed at the filter.

Then you have to go from the filter through the engine rig tube and I suggest doing it the same way.

I hop this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
